Do you want to supply to Heathrow?

‘To deliver the Heathrow Expansion Programme, with its scale, complexity and range of aviation and non aviation assets, Heathrow needs to broaden its supply chain eco-system to develop new relationships to support this critical programme.

To support the delivery of the programme, Heathrow is looking at a number of different engagement models, which will lead to Heathrow extending the number of the supply chain relationships as it looks to engage directly with SME’s as well as main contractors. This invitation will also support Heathrow’s commitment to provide opportunities for SME’s

To help understand the potential supply chain eco-system, Heathrow are inviting organisations to register their interest against criteria’s matching the attached packaging structure.

This registration process will enable Heathrow to engage with an extended eco-system to allow us to further understand the current landscape, and to identify organisations to potentially engage with for focussed workshops etc at this early stage of the programme and to support Heathrow’s 10yr + programme which will commence construction in 2021

Packaging Structure – further definition
NB: Building – Substructure, Superstructure, Envelope, M&E, Fit Out
Support facilities – Airfield maintenance & motor transport facilities, fire facilities, de-icing facilities, fuel storage & supply, snow facilities, airfield security etc.
Programme Support Logistics – Delivery logistics, security, bussing, site accommodation, waste removal / recycling etc.
Construction Support Logistics – Concrete batching, programme wide site plant, material testing facilities, site wide temporary power and water etc.

Project Code: ‘prj_4059’
Project Title: ‘Heathrow Expansion Programme: Supply Partners – Expression of Interest (EOI)’

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  • Click Project Title Heathrow Expansion Programme: Supply Partners – Expression of Interest (EOI) to view details

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