Welcome to our March newsletter.

March has been a busy time for events at the Growth Hub, with a fantastic International Women’s Day celebrations at Silicon Drinkabout, and a series of Brexit events across the whole M3 corridor. Brexit events were produced in partnership with the Enterprise M3 LEP, Hampshire County Council, Surrey County Council, Hampshire Chambers of Commerce, Surrey Chambers of Commerce, FSB & Business South, and held across the M3 corridor. The events have been very successful and offered a platform for businesses to ask questions specific to their own business to representatives from Government departments. A great variety of information can also be found on our Brexit toolkit detailed below.

The Enterprise M3 LEP has this week launched their new South2East Local Energy Strategy in conjunction with neighbouring LEPs focused on driving clean growth in the region, more news about the launch below. Sustainability continues to be a hot topic with news below about the new Heathrow Centre for Excellence for Sustainability.

To find out more about how we are supporting businesses please call or email me on roya.croudace@enterprisem3growthhub.co.uk.

Roya Croudace
Growth Hub Director
Enterprise M3 Growth Hub