Do you want to build more confidence in your business approach to net zero and tackling climate change? Join Brune Torrente & Ali Fisher for an hour of interactive myth busting on these critical sustainability topics. Here’s a taster of what they’ll cover in the session:
Ali is the Founder of Plans With Purpose & is a Sustainability & Diversity Business Mentor. She runs regular Carbon Literacy Courses for SMEs, accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project, to help educate and empower individuals and teams to reduce their emissions and take climate action in their personal and work lives.
Brune works in the Greener Future’s team at Surrey County Council, who’s helped over 800 businesses decarbonise and become more sustainable in the last 3 years and is working on the current business offer of decarbonisation course, carbon calculator, decarbonisation assessment and loan to see more Surrey businesses futureproof and set on their Net Zero journey.