Today’s agile workforce demands an equally flexible employer.
Job satisfaction isn’t just about competitive pay, but also flexible hours and working from home. In a constantly adapting society, rigid employers who refuse to adapt do so at their peril.
Join us alongside our impressive panel to discover how change at work pays, and hear from guest speakers on why flexible-friendly employers are the future.
Surrey Chambers Business Women In Surrey invites both men and women from across the county to join us on the 8th of March to celebrate International Women’s Day.
Speakers to include
Mercer – How flexibility impacts on the success of a business
Nicki Clark, Chief Executive, BE Group – Discussing the importance of flexibility in the workplace
Nicki Clark, Chief Executive, BE Group – Discussing the importance of flexibility in the workplace
Nicki Clark is Chief Executive of BE Group, a business solutions group that combines inspiring business content with the practical tools and relationships to help organisations succeed beyond their expectations.
As a founding Director Nicki has played a key role in developing the group since 2007 through organic growth and acquisitions establishing an enviable track record and offices in Scotland, North East of England, Yorkshire, Wales, London and the South East. Nicki is exceptionally proud of the group’s employee ownership status and being named one of the Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies to Work For.
2 Students, NESCOT – Discussing their aspirations for their future workplace.
Microsoft – How change improves productivity
Launching at the event will be our award which recognises change and flexibility in the workforce. The award will be launched on the 8th of March at our International Women’s Day event in order to give companies the chance to review their working policies and hopefully introduce new opportunities for flexibility. Companies will be proposed by their employees and the best examples will present at our final BWIS event on October 16th 2018.