If you already have a Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or LinkedIn account for your business but don’t really know how to use it to best effect – then this session is for you! This workshop is designed to help small to medium sized businesses understand the commercial opportunities of social media for business, and the first steps needed to develop an effective social media strategy. You will leave this session with a better understanding of exactly what social media is and how it can help your business. You’ll leave knowing the first steps needed to develop an effective social media strategy.
The workshop will be split into 3 sessions with our Social Media experts, David North, Surbs Badhan and Lucy Brazier. Areas covered will include:
• Is social media really that important for my business?
• How does it work?
• Which one is most suitable for my business?
• What can my business expect to gain from using social media?
• How can I find the time to do social media?
• Where do I start?!
The workshop runs from 5:30-9:00pm. Tea and Coffee’s will be available on arrival and a buffet and wine will be provided for networking after the session.
If you are interested in attending this session please use the links provided. For more information please contact members@spelthornebusinessforum.uk.
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