19 September 2024: Spelthorne Borough Council has launched a survey to gain the views of residents and businesses on crime and community safety in the Borough
Are you concerned about crime in your area? Have you been a victim of crime or antisocial behaviour? Are there places in the Borough where you don’t feel safe? Are you confident that crime is being tackled?
This is your opportunity to let Spelthorne Council know your views and concerns. The feedback gathered from the survey will be used alongside the crime statistics to help the Spelthorne Community Safety Partnership* set their priorities for the next year.
The survey is open between 9 September and 18 October.
To take part, visit www.spelthorne.inconsult.uk or if you would like a printed copy of the survey sent to you, call 01784 444260 and leave your name and address.
Chair of Spelthorne Council’s Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee, Cllr Susan Doran, said: “This is an important survey as it will give us the opportunity to hear everyone’s views on crime and safety. It is vital we have a good understanding of people’s experiences of crime and antisocial behaviour and any particular problems they may have in their local area as this will help us to focus our resources on the things that matter most to the community.”
The Council’s Better Neighbourhood Grant Scheme recently funded new signage to promote the work of Crimestoppers, an independent charity that gives people the power to speak up and report crime anonymously. Crimestoppers can be contacted on crimestoppers-uk.org or by calling 0800 555111.