Enterprise M3 Grant Scheme opens
Tuesday 15th September: 12 noon
The Enterprise M3 Kickstart Tourism and Restart and Recovery SME grant schemes will open for expressions of interest on Tuesday 15th September at midday.
The grants, for between £1000 – £3000 (up to £5000 in exceptional circumstances) can be used to fund specialist services or equipment to help your business diversify to cope with the challenges of COVID-19. Businesses must meet the relevant eligibility criteria to apply for a grant, the first stage of which is to complete our online Gateway Diagnostic which will check basic eligibility and represents an expression of interest in the scheme.
We have already seen a significant level of interest in these grants and expect the online gateway to close within an hour of opening, so preparation is essential. This is why we have created a pre-application information page on our website to assist with your application. It is important that you read the information and associated FAQs prior to starting the process.
Both grants are funded from unallocated European Regional Development Funding, cover 100% of the cost of the product of service applied for and require no match-funding. Funds will be paid upon receipt of an invoice. The gateway diagnostic tool represents an expression of interest in the grant scheme and a full application form will be sent from our delivery partner, Exemplas Ltd, following validation. Successful expressions of interest do not guarantee a successful grant application.
The link to the Gateway Diagnostic tool will go live on the Enterprise M3 Growth Hub website at 12pm on Tuesday, we will also send a newsletter at that time with a link to the webpage.
If you have a disability and require additional assistance with the online application form, please contact admin@enterprisem3growthhub.co.uk no later than 12noon on Monday 14th September.
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