Spelthorne Care Connections NOTICE BOARD – December 2017 edition

Your notices please! – by noon on Thursday 30th November


  • Concerns health and wellbeing matters relating to vulnerable people of all ages, the elderly and their familial carers.
  • Reaches leaders and coordinators of local organisations and projects, charities, faith groups as well as professionals working with the vulnerable.
  • Is to widely circulate information on activities, events, training opportunities, updates in service provision or legislation.
  • Is completely free of charge
  • IS NOT for advertising jobs or calls for volunteers.

Entries will be accepted if brief and impactful (normally not more than 150 words) with clear contact details or links for further information where necessary.

Please Note:  send me your entry in Word Document form or one that allows for cutting and pasting of text.

Do include your organisational logo if possible as this helps bring interest to the notice.

Sections of the NOTICE BOARD are as follows:

News and Information

Calendar for the month ahead  (and beyond)

Extending our Learning

Regular and Recurring Events

Other Notices

With very best regards,


Nigel Drury

Community Connector

Communities Engagement Team, Diocese of Guildford


and serving

Spelthorne Borough Council

Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1XB

Office: 01784 448587

Mobile: 07979 887467

Email n.drury@spelthorne.gov.uk