Spelthorne Borough Council, in partnership with Surrey County Council and Public Health England, has launched a Covid Champion scheme – the first of its kind in Surrey

Launched on Thursday 5 November the Covid Champions are a group of volunteers formed of community leaders, Councillors and residents who will be working closely with the Council to help to support our communities by communicating clear and consistent messaging relating to COVID19.

The Council will be updating the Champions with the latest information and guidance about the Coronavirus pandemic for them to share within their own networks. Equally, these weekly briefings will be an ‘open floor’ for the volunteers to raise any questions and provide ideas to the group that the Council can action in order to best support and reach residents across the Borough.

Cllr Maureen Attewell, Portfolio Holder for Community Wellbeing, said: “As we continue to face the Coronavirus pandemic we know that there is a lot of misinformation out there which is why we are working even closer with our residents to deliver Borough specific and national up to date news.

“A Covid Champion is all about sharing key information throughout your own community. Whether through social media, posters, What’s App groups or by speaking to your friends and family. By this information coming through a trusted voice, they can help people to understand what they need to do to keep everyone safe and informed during the pandemic”.

To enquire further please email covidchampions@spelthorne.gov.uk