To find out the rates in your local are, view this interactive map

Spelthorne specific updates

Latest national updates on guidance

In the last 7 days there have been 207 positive cases; This is a decrease by 19% from last week. Current rate is the highest in Surrey.

The Government has announced a new Tier system which will be in place from Wednesday 2 December. Our website explains what each tier means for residents and businesses.

Local Testing – there will be a local Mobile Testing Unit at Laleham Riverside on Wednesday 25 November – Wednesday 2 December. Book a free test online;
Rate per 100,000 population for England (Last 7 days) Up to 02/11/2020 = 240.8

Spelthorne Borough Council: Coronavirus update page for Spelthorne
Two busines grants are now available.

Local Restrictions Grant to help businesses, who pay business rates and who are required to close by the new lockdown regulations. This grant eligibility will be determined by regulations. Apply online now;

Additional Restrictions Grant is funding to enable the Council to set up a discretionary fund to assist businesses impacted by the lockdown not required by regulations to close and also be used to support businesses who do not pay business rates. Apply online now 6 December

Spelthorne Borough Council have provided Voluntary Support North Surrey with a fund to distribute to voluntary and community groups in the Borough who have been affected by the pandemic, or involved in the emergency response to the pandemic. Each grant is a maximum of £500 and VSNS will distribute the funding on a first come first served basis until all funds are allocated. Funding will be granted at the discretion of the Voluntary Support North Surrey Grants Panel. For further guidance and an application form, please visit:

Since Friday 20 November 2020: 1,473,508 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK and there have been 54,286 deaths. Further information on the data is available here

Making a Christmas bubble with friends and family between 23 and 27 December
Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers Walking, cycling, and travelling in vehicles or on public transport during the coronavirus outbreak. Updated: 20 November 2020
COVID-19: suggested principles of safer singing Outlining the available evidence on virus transmission associated with singing and suggested actions to reduce the risk of transmission while singing. Updated: 20 November 2020

Hands, face, space – New PR film for ‘fresh air’ importance with social cut downs: film for ‘fresh air’
Hands Face Space poster translations
NHS Test and Trace – Updated self-isolation social animations
National restrictions – National Restriction alternative resources, specifically Easy Read: alternative resources, specifically Easy Read

How we can help ourselves and others (Domestic Abuse)

Find out how to get help if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse:

Domestic abuse: get help during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak guidance – this gives an overview of domestic abuse in the context of COVID, recognising domestic abuse, signs to look out for, reporting, and how to support someone affected.

Call Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free and confidential advice, 24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247. Visit the helpline website to access further information, a contact form and the live chat service. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police.

If English is not your first language you may find our translated guidance or easy read version useful. Women’s Aid also have guidance documents on domestic abuse and coronavirus available in a number of languages for victims, family and friends, and community members of those affected.
Household isolation instructions as a result of coronavirus do not apply if you need to leave your home to escape domestic abuse
Being the victim of domestic abuse can affect your confidence, but it is important to realise that you are not alone or to blame and there are many ways to get help including;
Surrey Against Domestic Abuse – can help anyone affected by domestic abuse
Surrey Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – is the initial point of contact, for anyone concerned about the safety of a child or adult
Surrey Police – can investigate all reports of domestic abuse
If you feel at risk, then try to find a safe place and contact the police on 999.

Useful links:
Surrey Against Domestic Abuse
Victim Support
Women’s Aid
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Men’s Advice Line
The Hideout

The App

App it so we can stop spreading it! We all have our part to play to #KeepSurreySafe. Make sure you’re doing your bit by downloading the app. Get it here:
Your personal data is safe on this app – it tracks the #virus, not you!

Working safely during COVID

Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) Find out how to make your workplace COVID-secure. There are 14 guides that cover a range of different types of work.
PPE portal: how to order COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) Eligible health and social care providers can order PPE through the portal to meet the increased need that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated: 19 November 2020

Enabling safe and effective volunteering during Covid 19