- Case rate per 100,000 people for 7 days to 15 March: Spelthorne: 46.1 (Last week: 51.1)
- Please keep hands, face, space even after your vaccine. Follow the rules to help us move forward with easing lockdown –
the next step is 29 March when, if case numbers are low enough the ‘stay at home’ rule will end - Surrey’s data dashboard is updated daily
- Coronavirus update pages:
- Spelthorne Borough Council
- Surrey County Council
To find out the rates in your local area, view this interactive map
• There will be a Mobile Testing Unit at Green Street Car Park, Sunbury Park on 22-25 March, 1-2 April, 20-23 April and 29-30 April.
No vehicle access will be available
• Symptom free testing available at Thameside Youth Centre Staines, Broadway Pharmacy Staines, Hive Pharmacy Staines, and
Trio Pharmacy Shepperton. Book online at: scc.covid19testing.org.uk/
• A new walk-through coronavirus testing facility opened on the 12 March for those with symptoms to book appointments at
Kingston Road Car Park (TW18 4LN) in Spelthorne. Book a test at nhs.uk/coronavirus or by calling 119
• NHS Surrey Heartlands have announced that Tesco’s Pharmacy in Stanwell has been added to the options for local people to
access their Covid-19 vaccination. The site will be live from 19 March 2021.
National Updates
• In the UK up to 14 March 2021 4,258,438 people have tested positive, with 143,259 deaths. 24,196,211 people received
1st vaccine dose, 1,584,909 received 2nd dose
• Estimated R number 0.6-0.8, daily infection growth rate range of -7% to -4% (12 Mar)
• National data on vaccinations, cases, recoveries, deaths is updated daily
• England is still in National lockdown: Stay at Home – click here for the current rules which changed on 8 March,
including schools, outdoor activities and travel
• Government coronavirus updates are updated regularly. Recent highlights:
- You must complete a travel declaration form if you travel abroad from England
- Full details of Coronavirus support available for businesses and workers

- Twice-weekly symptom-free tests available for anyone in the same household or bubble as pupil or staff of a school.
You can either book a test, collect one or have one delivered to your home - Online booking for rapid tests for people without symptoms who live or work in Surrey, can’t work from home and can’t
get a test through work – or call 020 8865 1952 - Businesses of any size can order free rapid tests for staff who can’t work from home – register by 31 March
(48,000 companies so far) - People with symptoms should book a PCR test or call 119 * If you must self-isolate and
can’t work from home there is support

Vaccine Confidence
- The European Medicines Agency recommends continued use of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine while further investigations take place
- The Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Authority says the benefits outweigh the risks – please get the vaccine if offered it
as unusual side effects are rare and should be reported via the Yellow Card site - Blood clotting incidence in people receiving this vaccine is not higher than in the general population
- A final report on the EMA investigation will be released on 18 March
Surrey Heartlands
- Up-to-date, helpful FAQs and infographic
- Regular Vaccination Programme Updates – latest is 11 March
- Runs a vaccination helpline for the public (not a vaccine booking service):
0300 561 2500 (9am-4pm, Mon-Fri) or syheartlandsccg.vaccination@nhs.net
National - The NHS is now also sending texts to invite eligible people for the vaccine – it is genuine if it comes from NHSvaccine,
links to nhs.uk or the option to call 119. If you’re still unsure, wait for your letter to arrive - You can book a vaccine via the National Programme online or by calling 119 if you are any of these:
• Aged 55+
• At high risk or main carer for someone who is shielding
• Someone with a learning disability
• A frontline health or social care worker