1. Spelthorne specific updates
    • In the last 7 days there have been 662 positive cases; This is almost a 30% decrease from last week. Current rate is still the highest in Surrey. We all need to keep taking every precaution we can to stop the spread of the virus.
    The graph above shows age demographic data for Spelthorne with ages on the left and the darker the colour indicating the more positive cases

• To find out the rates in your local area, view this interactive map
• Surrey case rates are still much higher than the national average and hospital beds are very limited – when case numbers fall, there is typically a lag of about two weeks before hospital admission rates stop rising
• Spelthorne and the rest of England are in National Lockdown: Stay at Home
• There will be a Mobile Testing Unit at Green Street Car Park, Sunbury Park on 7-9 and 17-19 February. No vehicle access will be available. Book a free test online; or call 119
• Applications from businesses for the Discretionary Grant for businesses who do not pay business rates, will run from 9am 18 January until midnight 31 January.

Local Restrictions Grants are also available for businesses who pay business rates are available. To see the full details and to get the application form, please visit:
• As part of a mini-series exploring the impact of COVID on Surrey people’s
lives, here are some real life stories from people who have experienced
having COVID-19 and how it’s affected them:
➢ Chris, a young man who works in Surrey County Council who didn’t think he was particularly ‘at risk’, but contracted COVID and was hit hard by symptoms:
➢ Charlotte is in her 40s and lives in Guildford. Her family all got Covid in November 2020, but she ended up being in hospital for a week and now faces some ongoing problems. She thought she may have already had it once earlier last year:

  1. Latest national updates on guidance
    • As of 14 Jan 2020, 3, 466, 849 people have tested positive in the UK with
    89,243 deaths. Full data here
    • Avoid leaving home unless necessary for work, education, caring duties,
    medical care or essential shopping, and wear a face mask unless you are
    exempt – this is the law and violations carry a fine of at least £200
    • If you live in a household with a child under 14, you can still form a ‘childcare bubble’ with one other household. This allows friends or family to help each other with informal childcare.
    • All international travel corridors have been suspended, travel between the UK and some countries is banned, all international arrivals require a negative PCR test for entry to the UK and must isolate for 10 days or pay for a second test to reduce this to 5 days
    • Full list of restrictions here
  2. Ways to help ourselves and others –
    • The lengthy pandemic and its difficult impacts on all our lives mean many of us are struggling at times with our mental health, especially our children and young people
    • See Every Mind Matters for NHS resources on coronavirus and wellbeing,
    including a quick quiz to help you create your own Mind Plan helping you manage stress, insomnia, anxiety or mood
    • To talk to someone about general mental wellbeing support available in Surrey, call 0808 802 5000 (24 hours, 7 days a week, freephone) or text
    07537 432 411 (Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm)
    • There is a helpline for adults in Surrey experiencing a mental health crisis – call 0800 915 4644 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or text 07717 989 024, people with hearing impairments can dial 18001 0800 915 4644 from their text phone or smartphone app.
    • For information on child and adolescent mental health and services for
    parents and professionals, call Young Minds on 0808 802 5544 (Mon-Fri,
    • Living With Teenagers, a virtual online group for parents and carers, meets the last Thur of every month (next dates: 28 Jan, 25 Feb, 25 Mar, 29 Apr) – contact / 07805 741 237 or / 07791 451 104
    • Talking Teens Programme is for parents/carers to help challenges so you can have a calmer, happier family life. Full details here
    • Children and Young People’s Haven offers a phone service for young people who are distressed or worried about their feelings. Call 07773 008 435 (MonFri 4pm-8.30pm and weekends 12pm-6pm.)
    • Childline is a free, private and confidential national service for children to talk about anything – call 0800 1111 (7:30am-3:30am, 7 days a week)
    • Kooth is a free online counselling, advice and wellbeing support service for young people
  3. Vaccination Programme
    • As of 18 Jan 2021, 4.3 million people have received their first vaccine dose in the UK. 600,000 vaccinations have been undertaken by Surrey Heartlands.
    View national vaccination data here
    • By the end of this week, all eligible care home residents in Surrey should have received their first vaccine jab
    • The NHS will let you know when it’s your turn – help speed up the delivery of vaccinations by not contacting GPs and vaccination centres to ask! Answering queries takes resources away from vaccine delivery and busy phone lines make it hard for people to book GP appointments and get essential care they need
    • Surrey Heartlands CCG has a great website with current vaccination sites and
    answers to FAQs about coronavirus vaccination in Surrey –
    o If you cannot find an answer to your question, contact their new
    helpline on: o 0300 561 2500 (9am-4pm, Mon-Fri) or at
    o Please note: this is NOT a vaccination booking service.
    • The NHS has published new, easy-read guidance on the vaccine which may be useful in some settings, e.g. learning disabilities or dementia services
  4. The App
    • app it so we can stop spreading it! We all have our part to play to

KeepSurreySafe. Make sure you’re doing your bit by downloading the app.

Get it here: