• Case rate per 100,000 people for 7 days to 1 March: Spelthorne: 87.1 (Last week: 127.2)
  • Please keep hands, face, space and follow the rules to help us move forward with the lockdown roadmap – remember, it can take
    weeks to build immunity after the vaccine
  • Free transport is available to some vaccination sites via Uber (click for discount codes) or Sunbury Good Neighbours
    can support with transport for vaccinations. Please contact Andrew Osbourne – andyos@aol.com
  • There will be a Mobile Testing Unit at Green Street Car Park, Sunbury Park on 22-25 March. No vehicle access will be available.

National Updates
• In the UK up to 27 Feb 2021 4,176,554 people have tested positive, with 135,613 deaths. 20,089,551 people received 1st vaccine dose,
796,132 received 2nd dose
• Estimated R number 0.6-0.9, daily infection growth rate range of -6% to -2% (26 Feb)
• National data on vaccinations, cases, recoveries, deaths is updated daily
• England is still in National lockdown: Stay at Home

Anyone in the same household or bubble as a secondary school pupil or someone who works in a school or college can collect a Home
Testing kit from a collection point (not one of the Target Community Testing sites) or order one for home delivery.

Roadmap out of Lockdown
Last week Government published ‘COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021’ a 4-step plan to end lockdown in England. This plan states the
earliest possible dates different things will reopen but remember, these dates might change if case numbers are not low enough.

From 8 March

  • Pupils return to face-to-face education with schools, colleges and universities reopening
  • Childcare and after-school clubs reopen so parents can work, study or receive health care
  • Indoor visits to care homes are allowed for one named visitor * Outdoor recreation is allowed
    on your own, with one other person, or with your household or support bubble – this includes picnics

From 12 April

Any further eases to the lockdown will depend on data, not dates – but this is the earliest date non-essential
shops and services might open and many are already starting to plan for this date. We will keep you updated as the date approaches
and we know more.

Symptom-free Testing (Targeted Community Testing)

  • Online booking for rapid tests for people who don’t have symptoms at sites in
    Reigate & Banstead, Woking, Epsom and Ewell, Spelthorne and participating pharmacies across Surrey
  • This is for people who don’t have symptoms, live or work in Surrey, can’t work from home and haven’t already been offered a test
    through work
  • This is also for anyone in the same household or bubble as a secondary school pupil or someone who works in a school or college
    (alternatively order a home test)
  • Tests must be done on site – you can’t collect and take away a test because it is analysed immediately on-site
    (you will receive your results in about 2 hours)
  • We can only test people aged 16+ – full info here
  • Businesses with 50+ employees who cannot work from home can order free rapid tests
  • Tests must be done on site – you can’t collect and take away a test as it is different to the Home Testing kit. It will be
    processed immediately on-site (you will receive your results in about 2 hours).

Symptomatic Testing and Test & Trace

  • People with symptoms should call 119 or book a PCR test via the national programme
  • If you get a positive COVID-19 PCR test result, you should not test again within 90 days unless you develop any new symptoms.
    If you test sooner, you may get another positive result and need to self-isolate again, even without symptoms. See the updated guidance
  • If you have a positive rapid (lateral flow/ antigen) test within 90 days of a positive PCR test result, for example through a work,
    you will also need to self-isolate again
  • If you are directed to self-isolate and can’t work from home, you may qualify for support payment. Other help is also available for
    those asked to self-isolate or shield, e.g. shopping Local Test & Trace Pilot