Could your team help Thamesmead School?

Careers Fair 27th June

Thamesmead are looking for businesses to be part of their Careers Fair on 27th June. Could your business get involved and inspire future employees?

School Governors

Thamesmead are looking for Governors who can help set Thamesmead School’s strategic direction. The governing body is a group of decision making volunteers who have a crucial role in making sure every child gets the best possible education.

The governors meet at least once a term. In addition to these meetings, committees look at more detailed aspects of the school work such as finance, student performance, well-being and safeguarding.

Governors need to be over 18 years old but there is no requirement for formal qualifications. Everyone has experience and skills to offer, so an effective governing body has people from different backgrounds with a mix of skills.

For more information go to:

If you are interested  please email Sheelagh McCarthy on