On behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Apprenticeships we are delighted to publish this toolkit to help more SMEs recruit apprentices.
Of the 5.5 million businesses in the UK, over 99% are small and medium-sized businesses. SMEs are on the frontline of the UK skills market. If the government is going to meet its flagship target of three million new apprenticeship starts by 2020, more needs to be done to encourage businesses of all sizes to take on new apprentices. However, the APPG often hears evidence that SMEs struggle to engage with the system. The resources available to SMEs are often functional but not inspirational.
This toolkit provides practical advice and support to help SMEs hire more apprentices. We also make recommendations to government, LEPs, local councils and larger businesses to better promote apprenticeships to SMEs.
We hope you find this toolkit useful.
Download Here: SME Toolkit